Wednesday, February 1, 2012

sparklers and stuff

i had some frustrations to work off today so i decided to do an extended session at gym. and katy perry's "firework" came on my ipod. i've never really understood the value of power songs. until today. i played that track so incredibly loud. and about 8 times in a row.

there's something really empowering about that song. every time the pre-chorus built up into that big chorus, i increased my speed on the treadmill. i was officially, missioning it.

now, i'm not normally for cheese, but these lyrics are too good to miss. just where i am right now, i have a need to feel empowered. and to take back some strength that i have lost in the last few weeks. so when she sings:

do you know that there's still a chance for you / there's a spark in you
you just gotta ignite the light / and let it shine
just own the night / like the fourth of july


if you only knew what the future holds / after a hurricane comes a rainbow
maybe the reason why all the doors are closed / is so you can open one that leads you to the perfect road 
like a lightning bolt / your heart will glow / and when it's time you'll know

when i was in the usa i didn't see the fourth of july fireworks {there was a burn ban in texas due to the severe drought and fire hazard} but i was there for memorial day. and seeing those fireworks was gooseflesh-sublime.

i realised that these words are not just for angst-filled, lost teenagers who cry at katy perry concerts. these lyrics are for me, right now. and not just for 20 mins on the treadmill.

play it loud.

boom! boom! boom! even brighter than the moon, moon, moon.

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