i haven't traveled extensively, but of all the places i have been, this is my favourite in the world. blouberg beach. i was in cape town this past weekend and because i won't be back there for a long while, my awesome brother took me to big bay for the afternoon. every sight was a perfect picture. the light hitting off the water. the kite surfers ramping over the waves. the sea shells scattered over and embedded into the wet sand. table mountain majestic and faded green blue grey in the distance. it was pure bliss. it made my soul happy. a memory i will always have, not matter how far away i am from home.

i totally forgot that i wrote this, being fluey {blah} and off work i was looking through some old files on my mac and came across this again, from around April last year. i now have a blog that i can post this to -- so like it, don't like it. either way it's cool.
this is not a love poem, it's a poem about Love...
i love photos of people
whether smiling or not
i love sampling milk chocolate
melted, straight from the pot
i love laughter from tears and the same in reverse
how all people have stories
i love my fancy guess purse :)
i love dancing to music down my passage hall
ridiculous laughing for no reason at all
i love challenging books, movies and preachers
walking too slowly on salt watered beaches
i love sunsets and sunrises
and rusks with my tea
i love the rain-smell that storms bring…
and then someone lied when they said they "loved" me.
so I questioned this love
and that my reverie
was just that and the fact
we use "love" flippantly
so i journeyed in dismay
my heart chipped and cracked
i'd lost my first hope, believed all that i lacked.
i looked at the chasm and then walked away
turned my back on optimism
and kept hope at bay
and from grey mist i emerged
sluggard and slow
but not beaten, not broken
for this fact i know
that the only true love,
on which we can rely
that's deeper than oceans
and wider than sky
not fickle like love of a lover or friend
is Love that clung to a cross
love that cannot find end
and we can never fathom, or grasp or define
how this Love can change us
when we glimpse the Divine.
so we do change. and we hope. and we trust. and we fight.
and we do not go gentle into that dark night.
for just as Love fought to save us from the grave
so must we battle on, until Glorious Day
and love as Love loves, no matter the cost
and love those that Love loves, the broken, the lost.
and we know that life's hardships
may come and may go
but the rock of this Love
is a promise we know.
the hope of a Heaven and the treasure there stored
is a seal of Love's love, where we'll be restored.
here's why i like zumba. you work your butt off. i mean seriously, it's an intense workout. honestly, i need to trick myself into exercising, so zumba is so much fun {cause you're actually dancing} that you forget you're *gasp* gymming. but that's not the reason.
we have a brilliant instructor. she's vivacious, so much fun and really cheeky-sexy-spunky and she doesn't look like an ano-super model gym bunny. she makes you believe you might just look good doing what you do {even though you feel more like you're having an epileptic fit and are super self conscious of your jiggling bum}. that's also not the reason.
i love it because it gives women who usually don't believe they are confident or sexy, feel confident and sexy. housewives in baggy tracksuit pants suddenly come alive. they are not j-lo or beyonce. but when they samba-mambo-merengue their way through the class and shake their hips that don't lie, they look at themselves in the mirror like they like themselves. one woman a few weeks ago who wore ugly grey t-shirts now wears figure hugging racer tops. her body hasn't changed, her mind has.
none of us are dancers or models. but, really, do we need to be? or can we just believe that we are or, even better -- that we're not and don't need to be. and it's ok. it's better. cause we can still shake it like a polaroid picture.
that's all